- All things written are the copyright of The Southland Music Line (quotes from elsewhere are given due credit.)
- The majority of photos are taken by The Southland Music Line and its contributors. If someone doesn’t want his/her photo posted, we have no issue with taking it down. If we use a photo from another source, we do seek permission and credit is given.
- When posting a photo or reporting on someone, a place or an event, we will provide links to their webpage, Facebook, Twitter Page or elsewhere. This would include links for purchasing their music at both Amazon and/or iTunes. Our main objective here is spreading the word about Great Music.
- The art by Robby Amonett is personally owned by him unless sold, but will remain a part of website unless new owner(s) request otherwise. The art posted is to NOT be copied or misrepresented.
We hope you enjoy visiting The Southland Music Line and will tell others about it too. We are just huge fans of music and love sharing our stories and photos of the road. We are in no way competing with anyone, any website, blogger etc. We just love and want to continue enjoying great music.
Johnny Cole of The Southland Music Line
©The Southland Music, All rights reserved. 2014
The Southland Music Line™ is a Registered Trademark